
5 Apps to start running

5 Apps to start runningThe smartphone has become an indispensable tool in our daily lives. Through mobile we share photos and videos with our friends, order food, and shop, all through mobile appsAnd nowadays there are even apps for everything! Since mobile casino apps and online games, to applications for change your life through meditation. Thus, those looking for motivation to do more sport, and start running next year, have a great ally in the palm of their hands. If this is your case, get to know the best running apps for beginners.

Esta app allows you to track your heart rate, distance, speed and calories burned while running. So you can track your progress as you run. Although these features are not exactly innovative, what distinguishes Endomondo from other racing apps is the fact that it has sound notifications. So you can make use of your headphones to listen to this true digital trainer, which helps runners achieve their goals.

Available for: Android, iOS and Windows.

A Runkeeper app is very similar to Endomondo. It also allows you to monitor the distance, the calories burned, and the speed of the race. To brag about your achievements with your friends, the app also offers the option to share your races on Social Networks. It stands out from other running apps as it allows you to map your route using GPS. This way, you can easily check the route to take during your run, and the route back home. You can also check your income data online at Runkeeper.com.

Available for: Android and iOS

Couch to 5K
Is the best app to turn sedentary people, who don’t like to get off the couch, into real people athletic professionals. It is ideal for those who want to start running for the first time. Allows you to define a 9-week workout, with 3 runs of 30 minutes per week, with the objective of preparing the user for the goal of 5000 meters. It sounds like a very ambitious goal, but don’t be scared. Training alternates between running, walking, and rest periods, which are adjusted as your performance evolves.

Available for: Android and iOS

Are you aiming to start doing more sport, but you’re still not convinced if running is right for you? With the Runtastic app, you can track your time, distance covered, speed, among other parameters of your performance, in different types of sport. It gives you access to GPS tracking, notifications about the distance, position and duration of running, walking, cycling or skiing workouts.

Available for: Android and iOS

Map my Run
If what you need to start running is some encouragement, this app can help. Its function is to map and monitor each race you do, providing you with statistical data on your performance, in order to improve your performance. This information is presented in a visually appealing way so that runners can read and interpret it without any difficulty. Like the Endomondo app, it also sends voice notifications during the run.

Available for: Android and iOS

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Vitor Dias
Vitor Dias
Autor e administrador deste site. Corredor desde 2007, completou 67 maratonas em 18 países. Cronista em Jornal Público e autor da rubrica Correr Por Prazer em Porto Canal. Site Oficial: www.vitordias.pt

