
Much more than a Weight issue!

Much more than a Weight issue!Obesity was classified as the 21st century pandemic, which makes perfect sense when thinking about chronic non-communicable diseases. Perhaps what we did not expect was to come to know another disease that was considered pandemic, in the 21st century, with a mortality as high as COVID19.

Worse than that … being overweight, more than increasing the risk of other chronic non-communicable diseases such as Diabetes, cardiovascular disease and cerebrovascular disease, increases the mortality from SARS2COVID19 by almost 50%. The risk of requiring hospitalization is increased by 113% and the risk of requiring intensive care by 74%.

This dangerous association shows once again the importance of prevention in protecting our health, quality of life and life itself!

Being fully aware that it is fun to play with the fact that we have a few extra pounds and think that “we have always been like this”, it is imperative to start looking at this situation with greater care and vigilance. This is not just an aesthetic issue! Overweight and obesity are also in the top 10 biggest causes of loss of quality years of life. And I think we are at a time in the age of humanity when people are beginning to realize the importance of everyday life, unless they have not yet touched them … the virus or the death of a family member.

In that sense, it makes more sense than ever to promote not a special diet or exercise plan but habits, choices and behaviors that will make all the difference. On this page we promote information about one of the possible modalities but it doesn’t have to be (just) around, in fact we sometimes talk about food and nutrition, healthy choices, balanced options that are valid for those who walk, who run, who go to the gym And not only.

Above all, feed your health and move, not for your weight but for your health!

Filipa Vicente

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Filipa Vicente
Filipa Vicente
Nutricionista (CP1369N) e Professora universitária (IUEM). Escreve para o Correr Por Prazer desde a sua criação em 2008. É essencialmente uma facilitadora de escolhas na busca da melhor versão de nós mesmos. Site oficial: https://nutrium.io/p/filipavicente/blog

